The Oscar Project
The Oscar Project Podcast
2.28 Filmmaker Interview with Robin Wang

2.28 Filmmaker Interview with Robin Wang

In today's episode, I interview Robin Wang about his film "Neither Donkey Nor Horse," a blending of historical fiction with science fiction. The film was selected as a finalist for the 2024 Student Academy Awards.

Listen to hear about how the story of Dr. Wu helped Robin become unstuck during Covid lockdown, parallels between 1910 and 2020, and the meaning behind the phrase "neither donkey nor horse."

You can check out Robin's film at the Telluride Film Festival this weekend on Saturday August 31st at 9 AM or the St. Louis International Film Festival in November.

Books mentioned in this episode include:

Films mentioned in this episode include:

Follow Robin Wang on Instagram @robin_z_wang.

You can also listen to the full episode on YouTube.

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